Why remote working will prove to be difficult in Africa
22 April 2020
COVID-19 has forced the world to adapt to the concept of “working from home” or “remote working”.
This is our new reality globally. However, in Africa, a small number of jobs are desk jobs that can easily
be transitioned into remote working. A bigger percentage are jobs that may not easily transition into
remote working.
What challenges do companies anticipate to have and what solutions should they consider? Yusuf Reja,
the founder and CEO of Africa Jobs Network & Kipawa Hub, with his 20 years of experience in the HR sector in Africa, addresses the main issues and delivers key solutions.
- Access to Internet
- Access to technology tools
- Power or Internet Outage
- Lack of a conducive working environment
So as to address the impact on productivity and economic performance in the continent, governments,
employers and employees need to work together to craft locally-focused solutions. See more in The
Reporter Ethiopia article via this link: https://www.thereporterethiopia.com/article/why-remote-working-will-prove-be-difficult-africa